The Way Things Were - No cost library

The Way Things Were

The Way Things Were pdf free download

   Author(s): Aatish Taseer
        Publisher: Picador India, Year: 2014   

Toby, Skanda's dad, died, estranged from his mother and the India he adored. Skanda is charged with fulfilling the final wish of Toby and returning his ashes to his place of birth. It is a journey that takes him from Manhattan to Delhi, and deep into the storey of his family: in particular, to the night three decades ago, when the fragile marriage of his parents was forced apart by an act of shocking abuse. The Way Things Were is a film set in 1975, 1984, 1992, and the present day that shows how ancient history and turbulent politics form our most profoundly personal stories; how the life of a nation and the life of an individual are inextricably connected. It spans three generations and is intimate and panoramic at the same time, with a thrilling ambition that positions it alongside masterpieces like A Fitting Boy and A Fine Balance.

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