Davidson's 100 clinical cases - No Cost library

Davidson's 100 clinical cases - 2nd Edition

Davidson's 100 clinical cases 2nd edition pdf free download

   Author(s): Stanley Davidson, Sir; Mark W J Strachan; S K Sharma; John A A Hunter
        Publisher: Churchill Livingstone, Year: 2012

In the 2009 British Medical Association Medical Book Awards, Davidson's 100 Clinical Cases was awarded First Prize in Medicine. The real world in which doctors practice medicine is expressed in this novel. Step by step, the collection of clinical conditions directs the reader to the right direction in the labyrinth between a patient's complaint and the final diagnosis. The text stresses the importance of logically analyzing available clinical and investigative knowledge before a conclusive diagnosis is considered.

The 100 cases are focused on Davidson's Values and Practice of Medicine' presenting issues '.
The book offers an international viewpoint that reflects the disparities in the practice of medicine in the developed world and in low-resource settings and, for many of these significant differences, discusses epidemiological, economic and other factors.
The cases are written by a team of senior physicians, with extensive teaching experience, from 12 countries.
The book now contains 100 cases that are all closely related to the 'presenting concerns' parts of the new 21st Edition of the Principles and Practice of Medicine of Davidson. There are several new cases in this revised new edition, including aluminium phosphide poisoning; occupational lung disease; tremor; and interactions with medications.
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