Vedic Mathematics Made Easy - No Cost Library

Vedic Mathematics Made Easy 

Vedic Mathematics Made Easy pdf free download

   Author(s):  Dhaval Bathia  
        Publisher: Informa Healthcare, Year: 1989   

Can you multiply 4721 by 3908, and in a single line, get the answer?

In just 2 seconds, will you discover the cube root of 262144 or 704969?

Will you find the birth-date of a guy without his asking you?

Without him asking you, will you figure out how much money a guy has?

Could you solve problems about triangles, square roots, algebra and geometry in a jiffy?!

In this book, all such awesome methods are listed that will help you make friends with numbers and score very good marks in your exams. The book consists of three sections: Simple, Intermediate and Advanced. For easy comprehension, reasonably resolved examples are given. After every chapter, a practise exercise is given to encourage the student to measure himself. It is a very useful roadmap for all students who want to score high marks in math and break tough tests, packed with drawings and graphic designs.
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Book Review:

In order to teach my Math Team members some of the "tricks" displayed in this book for use in math contests, I bought this book, but I have also ended up using this content in my Algebra 2 courses. The data presented is well worth the price and has already paid substantial dividends. Students of My Algebra 2 discovered how to solve linear equation structures Even easier and smoother than using matrices on a graphing calculator... This is quite an accomplishment! Members of My Math Team can now multiply 2- and 3-digit numbers mentally and can square every 2-digit number. Since I got the novel, they studied this all within 1 week. I even integrate how to do conceptual arithmetic so that my students develop a sense of how numbers function... Some of the number of uncertainty has been dissipated. The week before Thanksgiving break, I only obtained Vedic Mathematics and I have yet to dig deeper into its mysteries, but I have already glimpsed the force inside its pages. I have also begun to show my 5th-grade son some of the methods for multiplying and dividing 2- and 3-digit numbers on paper in a way that is shorter and faster using only one line instead of using multiple partial products. I will probably look at integrating these approaches into my daily programme and maybe even teach a special tutoring portion for the high-stakes state examinations (they are the scourge of real teaching). On December 1, 2011--by Pythagoras

This is an amazing novel. It is really easy to read and to comprehend. It's quick to use and recall the mathematical techniques described. I'm using the knowledge in the book to teach my four-year-old great-grandson mathematics. To anyone who wants to learn useful mathematics and to those who want to teach mathematics to children, I recommend this book. --By Nicholas A. De Martinis on July 25, 2010

The author has done an excellent job to document the Influence of ancient mathematics from India to the modern world. It is written in an easy to read style so that even the beginners can understand the gist of the book. The professionals will appreciate the elegance of the solutions to many problems done in easier ways than what is taught in modern math. --The author has done an excellent job to document the Influence of ancient mathematics from India to the modern world. It is written in an easy to read style so that even the beginners can understand the gist of the book. The professionals will appreciate --This text refers to the paperback edition.

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