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Understanding Computers: Today And Tomorrow: Comprehensive - 16th Edition

Understanding Computers: Today And Tomorrow: Comprehensive 16th edition pdf free

Author(s): Deborah Morley, Charles S Parker
Publisher: Cengage Learning, Year: 2016

With Morley/Parker's UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS: TODAY AND TOMORROW, COMPREHENSIVE, 16E, give your students a classic introduction to computer concepts with a modern twist. Known for a unique emphasis on societal issues and industry insights from respected leaders, this book makes computer concepts relevant to today's career-focused students. This edition focuses on mobile computing and related topics, such as mobile commerce and mobile defence, with expanded emphasis. The effect of new and evolving technology, including smart watches, drones, 3D scanners and printers, robot assistants, perceptual computing, 5G, White Fi and many more, is becoming familiar to students.
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