Immortal Talks: Book 1 - No cost library

Immortal Talks: Book 1

Immortal Talks: Book 1 - pdf free download

   Author(s): Shunya   
         Year: 2017   

In the beginning of the book/movie, there are two monks watching a group of native people in a forested mountain. The data points to a situation in which the forest dwellers were staring at something that the rest of the party did not see. A monastic monk is confronted by a fellow monk who believes that the Eternal Talks the disappeared alchemists used to possess are to be discovered inside the sewers and that the alchemists' secrets will resurrect man from death. The teller says that man's existence is a combination of good and bad, that a soul exists separate from one's body, and that man's identity and intent reside in another dimension—that it is possible to believe in god and yet commit evil deeds. When the monastic monk takes the forbidden volume of the Talks, he is warned not to look into its pages, that he must save others from the inevitable darkness that will conquer the world. The man is then taken by unknown forces.
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