How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market - No Cost Library

How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market 

How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market pdf free download

   Author(s): Nicolas Darvas  
        Publisher: American Research Council, Year: 1960   

It's the complete facsimile of the original text, not an electronic file of OCR tech. Nicholas Christopher Darvas was born in Hungary and educated as an Economist at the University of Budapest. While he was hesitant to remaining in Hungary before the Nazis or the Soviets took over, he was forced to leave at the age of 23 with a forged escape visa and fifty pounds sterling to stave off starvation in Istanbul, Turkey. On his off hours as a performer, he read a lot of books about the markets and some fascinating speculators. He heard about how to buy and pick the best stocks. He was not particularly interested in the specifics, but he personally invested in a few stocks that have been booming this year. The trader was totally shocked as the stocks hit and beyond the target price. Because he managed to make a profit, he sold his stocks, making a significant profit. Overall, his stock range was based off of the Barron's deals. At the age of 39, after acquiring his fortune, Richran Darvas recorded his strategies in the novel, How I Made 2,000,000 in the Stock Market. The book teaches you all about Dick's peculiar "Box System", which involved purchasing and selling stocks. Darvas' book is also a wonderful text on stock market research to this day.
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