Data Communications and Network - No Cost Library

Data Communications and Network - 5th Edition

Data Communications and Network - 5th Edition pdf free download

   Author(s): Forouzan, Behrouz  
Publisher: McGraw-Hill, Year: 2013   

Programming has always been about the basics and fundamentals. Data Communications and Networking is intended to help students on all sides of the computer science fence understand the basics of data communications and networking, and the protocols used in the Internet in particular by using the protocol layering of the Internet and TCP/IP protocol suite. We live in a community in which the fastest expanding innovations are those connected to data communication and networking. The emergence of several modern social networking apps is a testament to the credibility of this assertion. Many professionals today who are going to work in the Internet industry in one way or the other need to be qualified in operations of internet web servers and the development of content for the Internet. In the past few years, the number of students studying the subject has increased, and in order to keep up with the times and let the students retain the information, you need to have a textbook which covers the latest technological advancements of the material, while also providing material that is accessible for students with little to no background in physics.
Using a bottom-up approach, Data Communications and Networking introduces this extremely technical subject matter without focusing on complicated formulas by using a solid pedagogical approach backed by more than 830 statistics. Now in its Fifth Edition, this textbook takes the beginning student right to the forefront of the newest developments in the area, thus addressing the basics in a simple, concise manner. Students will find increased content in the peer-reviewed papers, more efficacious and clearer description on cutting-edge information. The "bottom-up" approach helps professors to discuss the curriculum in one lecture, rather than offering different classes on computer networking and computer programming.
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