A Promised Land - No cost library

A Promised Land

A Promised Land - pdf free download

Author(s): Barack Obama
Publisher: Viking, Year: 2020

A riveting, deeply personal account of history in the making-from the president who inspired us to believe in the power of democracy

A riveting, intensely intimate account of the past of the president who encouraged us to believe in democracy's power.

Barack Obama tells the storey of his improbable odyssey in the moving, widely awaited first volume of his presidential memoirs, from a young man looking for his identity as leader of the free world, illustrating in vividly intimate depth both his political education and the seminal moments of his remarkable presidency's first term-a time of profound transition and tumult.

From his early political hopes to the seminal Iowa caucus triumph that showed the strength of grassroots politics, Obama brings readers on a convincing path to the watershed night of November 4, 2008, when he was voted the 44th president of the United States, becoming the first African American to hold the highest office in the country.

He presents a unique and thoughtful exploration of both the awesome scope and the boundaries of presidential influence, focusing on the administration, as well as unique insights into the complexities of U.S. partisan politics and foreign diplomacy. Obama takes readers into the Oval Office and the Situation Room of the White House, and to Moscow, Cairo, Beijing, and beyond. When he assembles his government, wrestles with a global financial collapse, takes Vladimir Putin's measure, overcomes almost insurmountable chances of safe passage of the Affordable Care Act, battles with U.S. policy generals in Afghanistan, tackles Wall Street overhaul, reacts to the catastrophic blowout of Deepwater Horizon, and authorises Operation Neptune's Sp Sp.

The storey of one man's gamble on destiny, the confidence of a community activist checked on the world stage, A Promised Land is extraordinarily personal and introspective. Obama is frank about the balancing act of competing as a Black American for office, carrying the aspirations of a generation buoyed by "hope and change," tweets, and facing the spiritual challenges of decision-making at high stakes. He is honest about the powers that opposed him at home and abroad, open about how his wife and daughters were influenced by life in the White House, and unafraid of disclosing self-doubt and disappointment. Yet he never wavers from his conviction that change is still necessary inside the wonderful, continuing American experiment.

This beautifully crafted and inspiring book captures the belief of Barack Obama that democracy is not a blessing from above, but something built, day by day, on empathy and shared understanding and constructed together.

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