The Apha Complete Review for the FPGEE - No Cost Library

The Apha Complete Review for the FPGEE

The Apha Complete Review for the FPGEE pdf free download

   Author(s): Dick R. Gourley
    Publisher: American Pharmacists Association, Year: 2011   

A thorough analysis of basic pharmaceutical concepts (dosage forms, mathematics, biopharmaceutics, kinetics, basic and parenteral compounding, among others); basic medical sciences (chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, anatomy, pharmacology, microbiology, immunology); social and administrative sciences (practise administration, pharmacoeconomics) is given in the APhA Full Review for the FPGEE(R) (basic therapeutics, communication skills, etc.). The International Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Test covers all these subjects. Before moving to the NAPLEX(R) and licencing in the United States, graduates of international pharmacy schools must pass this test.
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