Microbiology and Parasitology Prep Manual for Undergraduates - No Cost Library

Microbiology and Parasitology Prep Manual for Undergraduates - 3rd Edition

Microbiology and Parasitology Prep Manual for Undergraduates - 3rd Edition pdf free download

B. S. Nagoba , Asha Pichare  
Publisher: Elsevier, Year: 2016   

The book's third edition is deliberately revised and displayed in a modern four-colour format. The significant facets of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology are illustrated. As per the recommendations of the Medical Council of India and health universities throughout the country and neighbouring countries, it presents a succinct exam-oriented text.

Built primarily to address the needs of medical, dental, physiotherapy, nursing, pharmacy and scientific students taking undergraduate classes.

Silent Features

The basic pattern was retained, accompanied by the text-answer style that enables students to understand and revise easily.

Fresh innovations and updates to keep up with the current changes in the text as per the programme for undergraduates.

More emphasis on the organised processing of knowledge makes it easier to recall items.

This Version is new to

Merged Parasitolgy with the Microbiology section in a single book within the same page selection

To encourage better preservation of information, incorporate several fresh coloured numbers. Replacement of earlier figures with newer colour figures to improve comprehension
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