Comprehensive Pharmacy Review for NAPLEX - No Cost Library

Comprehensive Pharmacy Review for NAPLEX - 8th Edition

Comprehensive Pharmacy Review for NAPLEX - 8th Edition pdf free download

   Author(s): Leon Shargel, Alan H. Mutnick, Larry N. Swanson, Paul F. Souney   
        Publisher: Informa Healthcare, Year: 2012   

Comprehensive Pharmacy Analysis for NAPLEX offers a complete knowledge base for pharmacy practitioners, professors, overseas graduates, and specialists to succeed with their practises in this fully revised 8th edition and be fully qualified to address the NAPLEX competency exam. Modified to comply with USP 797 requirements, the text includes expanded overview of ever-developing areas of practise. In addition, it mentions the actual statements of competency used in assessment by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP)..
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