The Short Textbook of Pediatrics - No Cost Library

The Short Textbook of Pediatrics - 11th Edition

The Short Textbook of Pediatrics - 11th Edition Suraj Gupte pdf free download

   Author(s): Suraj Gupte  
        Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Private Limited, Year: 2009

 Gives useful information on the issues of child health care. It includes chapters on growth and development, infant feeding, micronutrient/mineral shortages, diseases, immunization, diarrheas, neonatology, etc.-Accommodates new insights, evolving ideas, and fresh concerns by the distinguished contributors of India and abroad to meet the requirements of the postgraduate entrance tests-A consistent style and lavishly illustrated with full-color format presenting clinical and scientific details in a lucid, reasonable and user-friendly manner.
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