Smart Study Series:Obstetrics & Gynecology - No Cost Library

Smart Study Series: Obstetrics & Gynecology - 3rd Edition 

Smart Study Series: Obstetrics & Gynecology - 3rd Edition  pdf free download

   Author(s): Punic S Bhojani  
        Publisher: Elsevier India, Year: 2014   

This version of the book covers a holistic and oriented approach to the topics of the subject to meet the needs of PG aspirants. There is a thorough description of the MCQs after a high-yield overview of the topics in each chapter to increase the usefulness of the book for students appearing in various PG entry examinations.

Main Features:

  • Quick overview of the entire topic
  • Includes lucid text presentation with recent advances
  • Includes questions focused on photos
  • Handbook for students studying PG
  • Comprehensive and comprehensive theory and MCQs with detailed descriptions and references from standard textbooks such as Williams and Novak
  • Students appearing for PG entrance examinations must read
  • Useful as a refresher course for MBBS students
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