Objective General English - No Cost LIbrary

Objective General English

Objective General English sp bakshi pdf free download

Author(s): S P Bakshi  
Publisher: Arihant Publications, Year: 2014   

An important book that would brush up the language skills of any aspirant working to clear up the competitive exams for Hotel Management, B Ed, MBA, MCA courses offered by many prestigious institutes and universities or those administered by UPSC for various openings for positions of civil and military forces.

The General English Purpose, a book written by reputed author S.P. Bakshi, first published in 2014, became popular within a short span of time.

English is an integral part of every successful examination 's curriculum and this book helps to enhance one 's comprehension of the language that would give those sitting an advantage to take the exam or break it.

Objective General English was divided into four principal parts. Section A is a foundation module that teaches one about the language's basic grammar, section B is intended to enhance verbal ability, and the last two parts deal with Practical Grammar and its applications under different conditions. The current edition of the book includes a new section on practical grammar, including subjects such as pronunciation, principles of contraction and narration.

The book deals with all important topics and each chapter also has self-explanatory examples of language use. The book is written in plain terms, is fast and convenient to use. The author has also included practice articles, review exercises and a self-assessment workbook as one moves from subject to subject. Answers are presented to all the papers and activities at the end of each class.

There are also sections in the book on topics such as Sentence Formation, Basic Grammar, Tenses, Words, Punctuation and Synonyms / Antonyms. After the student has finished learning the book, he will check his knowledge by attempting the revision test articles, which cover previous years' topics. The answers can be verified at the end of each test paper through the keys given.

The 735 page book has been revised to meet the needs of the new question trend being put forward at the competitive exams.

This also places a lot of emphasis on improving the communication skills and getting them better. Students can use this book to prepare for NDA, Bank PO, SSC, CCS, MBA, UPSC and other exams.

Students looking to brush up their English skills will benefit greatly from this Arihant Publishing House novel.
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