The Theory And Practice Of Industrial Pharmacy - No Cost Library

The Theory And Practice Of Industrial Pharmacy - 3rd Edition

The Theory And Practice Of Industrial Pharmacy - 3rd Edition free download

   Author(s): Leon Lachman  
        Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Year: 1986   

This influential book has remained the "gold standard" text and reference source in industrial pharmacy for more than 40 years and throughout its three editions, covering all aspects ranging from pharmaceutical production, dosage forms design and drug production to manufacturing processes to facility design and management, packaging, evaluation, quality assurance and regulation.

This is the extensively revised and updated edition, completely rewritten to keep pace with the changes in pharmacy curricula, retaining its distinction in the field of industrial pharmacy. By presenting the topics in layers, from simple to in-depth discussion, the text makes product development easy to conceive of A through Z. This edition retains the flavor and essence of all preceding editions in addition to the new chapters. Wherever possible, chapters were concised in order to concentrate on essential subjects taught in industrial pharmacy to make the content more available to students. The multi-author approach provides contemporary concepts and the knowledge required by various experts to address the many aspects of modern industrial pharmacy.

Important Characteristics

A balanced and contemporary field view, with reputable editors, section editors and contributing authors from various academic institutes and industries.
Six new chapters including • evaporation and distillation • pharmaceutical usefulness • dissolution • drug excipients and polymers • innovative drug delivery systems and • targeted drug delivery systems.
Fully rewritten chapters present up-to - date knowledge in a rational and systematic manner embodying excellent details and examples of illustration.
The appendix includes regulatory bodies web addresses, solvent miscibility table, residual solvent limits, and researchers useful buffer compositions.
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