Textbook of Veterinary General Pathology - No Cost Library

Textbook of Veterinary General Pathology - 2nd Edition

Textbook of Veterinary General Pathology pdf free download

   Author(s): J L Vegad  
Publisher: Ibdchb Year: 2007

Recent years have seen remarkable improvement in our understanding of the molecular pathways involved in the pathogenesis of processes involving diseases. That accelerating pace of knowledge required the book to be revised and updated. The second edition has been extensively revised, and most chapters have been rewritten completely. As such, it contains the latest Molecular Pathology information. The improvements include: Introduction of the most current knowledge on the processes of disease molecular mechanisms. Inclusion of a large number of examples, 79 in all, for easy understanding of the complex molecular mechanisms. Having regard to the syllabus of the Veterinary Council of India (VCI), a new chapter has been added on 'Concretions.' In addition, a new sub-topic 'Avian Inflammation' was included in the chapter on 'Inflammation' in the light of the VCI syllabus. The principal points are in bold form. In the Index, the number that covers the main discussion will be shown in bold in case of more page numbers for the same topic. Since the book deals with basic anatomy it will be very useful for students of medicine and dentistry.
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