How to prepare for verbal ability and reading comprehension for the CAT - No Cost Library

How to prepare for verbal ability and reading comprehension for the CAT - 4th Edition

How to prepare for verbal ability and reading comprehension for the CAT pdf free download, nocostlibrary, No Cost Library

   Author(s): Arun Sharma, Meenakshi Upadhyay  
Publisher: McGraw-Hill, Year: 2014

The amended release of this thorough book on handling the CAT paper's segment of Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension covers the total extent and level of inquiries posed in the CAT evaluation. Crafted by esteemed CAT trainers, this book is also incredibly useful for tests such as XAT, IIFT, IRMA, MAT XLRI and so on. It aims to be a one-stop solution to endeavor effectively to the English region of the lofty assessments listed earlier. Chapter by chapter list: PART I: BUILDING SKILLS FOR READING COMPREHENSION Section II: LOD Exercise PART TWO: VERBAL ABILITY Questions Fill in the blanks Paragraph Jumbles Sentence Correction PART THREE: VERBAL REASONING Critical Reasoning Syllogism Binary Logic Deductions PART FOUR: MOCK TEST PAPERS Difficulty level I Difficulty level II PART FIVE: CAT PAPERS CAT.

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