Basic Ophthalmology - No Cost Library
Basic Ophthalmology - 4th Edition
Author(s): Renu Jogi
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Year: 2009
This book addresses the fundamental principles, anatomy and recent advances in ophthalmology. It provides guidance on the latest approach to diagnosis, operative techniques and treatment options. This comprehensive, authoritative and richly illustrated textbook covers basic and clinical principles in ophthalmology to ensure that students are always in a position to find the guidance they need to diagnose and manage the eye problems of patients and also to meet the best standards of care. This book discusses the traditional and conventional trajectory of visual disorders and explores new current factors emerging from modern urban environments such as visual display terminal syndrome caused by computer control and contact lens use. Often includes easy visual rehabilitation treatment for diabetic retinopathy research. The book's main objective is that students should respond to the text and material and not simply memorize it systematically in order to reproduce it during the test. 1. Anatomy and Embryology, 2. Vision Morphology, n. 3. Vision Neurology, n. 4. A look at the Eye, 5. Refraction errors, n. 6. The Conjuntivamente, 7. Cornea, eighth. Sclera, ninth. The Overeal Tract, 10. The Lens, 11. The Vitreous, 12. Glaucoma, 13. The Retina, 14. The Optic Nerve, 15. Injuries of the Eye, 16. The Ocular Motility and Squint (Strabismus), 17. The Lids, 18. The Lacrimal Apparatus, 19. The Orbit, 20. General Therapeutics, 21. The Causes and Prevention of Blindness, 22. Ophthalmic Instruments.
Book Review:
The book offers relatively strong anatomical and pathophysiological alignment. Take as an example the facial nervous paralysis ("Bell palsy"). One thing that many learners have trouble with is this: if the disease is characterized by an eye-closure inability, why does the eye often have a droopy and a closed look?
The answer (page 196) is that there are two eye related issues in patients with facial nerve palsy. The first is the weakness of the muscle of the orbicularis oculi resulting in the inability to close the eye, while the second is the weakness of the frontal muscle causing the brow to drop (brow ptosis) and thus the illusion of the inability to open the eye! (An additional cause of ptosis is aberrant facial nerve regeneration in patients with Bell's palsy).
Basic Ophthalmology: Essentials for Medical Students (2016) is actually ideal for students in medicine. The title undersells a fairly wide margin to the book, however. The book is of sufficient depth and breadth to be of use in a variety of primary care specialties including family medicine, internal medicine and emergency medicine for residents and attendances. I highly recommend it.
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